When you decide to repaint, there are a few things to take into consideration and that includes the color of the paint you will be putting on your interior wall.Of course, hiring a professional painters in Round Rock will solve the problem, but if you just rely on your skills of painting your walls, then you need to take this seriously as it creates a lot of impact on the overall aesthetics of the house.
There is a vast array of palettes and fabric colorways that allow some room for personal and subjective interpretation. Because we have too many options, there is a greater chance of falling prey to making some wrong decisions.
In this article, we will present to you the common mistakes we make when we choose our house’s color and the ideal solutions for them.
1.You pick a color that is too saturated and too bright
Bright colors lighten up the room and the mood, they say. But when you overdo it, these bright colors give an unnecessary stronger impression in the house.
The color cobalt blue has gained its popularity. This color is used for a silk pillow or a ceramic lamp. However, when you put this on your wall, the color becomes too overpowering to the point it ruins the aesthetic it supposedly has.
Opt for lighter, muddier colors as they work better compared to really bright strong hues.
2.You pick the paint color beforehand
Paint wall color needs to be the last thing you need to pick as the elements in the house such as the appliances, furniture, etc., need to be put first before deciding what colors you should put on the wall to see the overall picture first. When you fall prey to picking the wall color first before putting in all the materials and stuff first, you will end up being cornered to find the rights things to match the wall.
3.You do ignore the trends.
In the past few years, brighter colors were the trend such as the hot orange, painted lacquer furniture hues. However, now we are trending back to more muted tones and softer colors that mostly have metallic and black accents.
4.You are not seeing things in a whole
You need to consider the overall structure of your house as it affects ho you will decide for different shades of color. For instance, if you live in a small apartment, making a transition from one color to another can be tricky. Having a bright pink in one room will not go too well if you have a bright orange in another room.
5.You get too attached with your emotions
I hear a lot of people say, “my favorite color is orange so I will be putting some bright orange in my room.” What they fail to recognize is that colors affect mood and that you need to choose based on the functionality of the room. For instance, a bedroom needs to have a calmer and peaceful atmosphere so putting on a bright orange will not give you the “resting” and “sleeping” mood you seek for a bedroom.
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